Somehow, over the last few months our house has slowly drifted out of control. This summer we traveled to southern CA to participate in a family reunion. Since my family was primarily responsible for planning the event and coordinating the BBQ we traveled to San Diego frequently earlier in the year. After the reunion in August we returned home and our house was in disarray. Instead of putting everything thing away promptly we decided some of the items we would no longer need should be donated to charity.
Instead of donating them promptly we decided to add the the pile by purging the other items we no longer needed to keep. Well the pile has grown and attracted many other items that we need to put away and has developed into a huge mess.
My family is pretty adept at keeping a clean house clean but a small mess multiplies exponentially as we become accustom to seeing the clutter. The attitude of why bother putting something away because other things are left out runs rampant. Add a few more holidays, house guests, a crazy busy work schedule, and an illness or two and there is not a clean room or even a clean surface in my entire home.
In fact, it is so out of control I get overwhelmed just wondering where to start. A weekend is not enough time to clean my home especially when half of my family is glued to the TV for the football games that now consume a large part of both Saturday and Sunday.
So you may be wondering why I am writing this blog. Partially, it is because writing is a pleasant distraction from the dreadful chore I must face. Mostly, it is in hopes that the distraction will also provide a few moments to clear my brain and formulate a plan of attack. I also hope that sharing my journey to reclaim the peace and order I so desperately desire will help inspire you to do so too if your house is buried in clutter, trash, and dust like mine.
The dishwasher is running but the counters are still far from clean. A load of laundry is in the washer and but an old load has taken up permanent residence in the dryer. There are multiple baskets of clean clothes scattered in basket around the house. We've come to know the blue basket in the hall way contains clean towels and socks can be found in the pink basket in the dining room. Sheets are in the red basket in my bedroom and colored clothes are clean but crumpled in the basket near the bedrooms. I have no idea what is in the remaining baskets that have become buried by other things.
So I have decided that given the fact it is almost 8PM and the house is a mess that I will clean my master bath and restore it to the shiny bit of heaven that beckons the start of a crisp new winter day. Then, even though I prefer Sunday to be a day of rest, I will strive to put away the laundry that is scattered throughout the house.
I wish that I could just tackle everything tomorrow but I know that the clean up will take much more time than that. Then, on Monday morning, at least there will be a glimmer of hope that my family and I will once again be able to enjoy the comfort of a clean home and enjoy a game of pool or snuggle by the fire and watch a movie without having to relocate the clutter.
Wish me luck! Leave a comment if you are currently buried and trying to reclaim your home too.