Now I may be dating myself a bit, but I recalled an old song I used to sing to myself in the days before I met my dear sweet hubby. Singing "It's Sad To Belong To Someone Else When The Right One Comes Along" by England Dan and John Ford Coley helped me tremendously. Just because you are alone doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you. Just because you are alone today doesn't mean you'll be alone forever.
Do what you enjoy and live life to the fullest regardless of the constraints of your current circumstances. If your life only allows for a trip to the park enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells around you. Laugh and have fun. If you could go into the future and meet that special someone who captures your heart they wouldn't want to send you back to today with the instructions to beat yourself up and be miserable while you wait for the glorious meeting that God has scheduled for you. They would probably want you to enjoy your life and joyously anticipate the gift of love that they will freely offer. If you change who you are to catch the eye of someone else you might miss the great love that awaits you.
Additionally, even though you are ready for the love of your life to cross your path today that doesn't mean that the love of your life is ready to meet you. Maybe they are struggling to get out of their cocoon to become the beautiful butterfly they must become to be an emotionally healthy partner for you. If you met them today it would be a mess. In the end, they will be worth the wait.
Unless you are a deranged sociopath it is human nature to love. Given the right set of circumstances you can fall in love with anyone. This is why people fall in love with the fluffy and furry friends that enter their lives so easily. So many people desperate for love sometimes settle for something less than a loving nurturing soul mate. Even when common sense tells them that it is a destructive relationship they will hang on in the name of love.
Therefore, mental and emotional discipline is a key factor in finding and waiting for the other half that strengthens and supports you thru all things thru all eternity. When you do find them cherish them with your whole heart. even when conflict occurs. Yes, conflict does arise in even the best of relationships. Your deep and abiding love does however dictate how you choose to handle each conflict. If you truly love someone and they love you conflict is not a power struggle. Both parties love the other enough to want to find a solution that solves the problem without diminishing the other person.
Some of us are lucky enough to find the love of their life early on and are blessed with decades of companionship throughout a long adventurous life. Some will find that special someone later in life. A few might even have their loved one ripped from their grasp by premature death and be blessed to find another love later in life. Still others will not ever find someone who will love them beyond measure at any point in their life. Unfortunately, you will not know if you will be blessed to experience a great love affair that exceeds your wildest dreams or will always find it eludes your grasp.
But, you have the power to love deeply today and must not miss the opportunity to show it. Love yourself and treat yourself well. Love others deeply and completely for who they are and not who you wish they could be. Live and enjoy your life regardless of the hardships, disappointments, and failures your experience. Cherish the happy moments, appreciate your successes...and LOVE!