new appliance to the sales staff.
I am happy to say after seeing a live demo he was more open to the purchase. He could see how useful it would be for a quick dinner but was committed to the fact that he would never compromise quality for speed when we were not rushed for time. Although the in-store demo was impressive the real test would occur in our kitchen.
Although the Advantium comes preprogrammed for the most common foods we began tweaking the settings to yield our "perfect settings" for all of our favorite foods. Now after decades of use we have customized our settings just as you might alter the time or temperature of foods prepared in the oven to accommodate your personal preferences.
Owning an Advantium is the reason we are able to cook delicious meals from scratch on busy school or work nights. I can make a honey roasted salmon in just a few minutes while I take a shower trusting it will be perfectly done and not be overcooked even if I extend my shower and temporarily forget it's cooking.
I must admit the price seemed a bit high when we first compared it to a microwave but it is so much more than just a microwave. After the first dinner we made at home we knew what a valuable tool we had perched above our stove top. An in-store demo could never do it justice!
After decades of dinners, a bounty of breakfasts, lavish lunches, and sweet or savory snacks we would gladly pay 3X's the price, but don't tell GE! So when we bought a second one a few years ago we were surprised that the price was virtually unchanged over nearly two decades. This time we thought "What a bargain!" as we walked to our car.
I think I will make a quick quiche in my Advantium to celebrate the start of a new day....By the way, an Advantium is a great present for for someone who loves to cook and an even better one for someone who doesn't. Visit http://www.MyMothersSecrets.com/shop.html and buy one today to avoid the Christmas rush!